Updates for Reach for the Moon

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Whee! Uploaded the first two parts of a new fic ("Team Building") on the Yami no Matsuei page.

2:56 PM

Wednesday, August 13, 2003


Well, got one fic up at least. Hoshiko's "What is Family?" (parts one through eight) is up on the Here is Greenwood page.

Still a Work in Progress, sad to say. Maybe if enough people e-mail her she'll get off her lazy butt and actually finish the darn thing. ^_~

Anyway, that's it for tonight.

9:28 PM

And the main page for Here is Greenwood fan fiction is now up. Fics will follow later on tonight...or so we hope. *crosses fingers*

Hoshiko's been watching Here is Greenwood again and has been hinting that she might have a new fic in the works. Either that or she's just plain evil. It's hard to tell at times.


7:30 PM

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Whee! The Gravitation section is now up. :)

9:52 PM

The Yami no Matsuei section is now up and running. Next stop...Gravitation. Hopefully we'll have that up sometime tonight...^^;;

11:25 AM

Previous Updates

08/01/2003 - 08/31/2003   09/01/2003 - 09/30/2003  





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