Updates for Reach for the Moon

Wednesday, August 13, 2003


Well, got one fic up at least. Hoshiko's "What is Family?" (parts one through eight) is up on the Here is Greenwood page.

Still a Work in Progress, sad to say. Maybe if enough people e-mail her she'll get off her lazy butt and actually finish the darn thing. ^_~

Anyway, that's it for tonight.

9:28 PM

And the main page for Here is Greenwood fan fiction is now up. Fics will follow later on tonight...or so we hope. *crosses fingers*

Hoshiko's been watching Here is Greenwood again and has been hinting that she might have a new fic in the works. Either that or she's just plain evil. It's hard to tell at times.


7:30 PM

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Whee! The Gravitation section is now up. :)

9:52 PM

The Yami no Matsuei section is now up and running. Next stop...Gravitation. Hopefully we'll have that up sometime tonight...^^;;

11:25 AM

Previous Updates

08/01/2003 - 08/31/2003   09/01/2003 - 09/30/2003  





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