What is Family? by Hoshiko - Part 3


Due to the fact that my roommate had managed to not only render himself, but Mitsuru-sempai as well, into a state of unconsciousness, I was unable to interview either of them until late the next day. Taking a closer look at them during lunch, I decided that it would be best to put off interviewing them until later…doing so possibly couldn’t hurt any.   

While they weren’t exactly hostile towards each other, neither were they about to spout exclamations of undying love and friendship anytime soon.

Mindful of the promise I had given Shinobu-sempai the night before, I turned to the other names on my list of interviewees, and immediately began to wonder what I thought I was doing. For some twisted reason, I had added Bonda-sempai – the cult leader - to my list. Staring at the name, written in the looping, flowing handwriting I recognized only too well as my own, I racked my brain for the reason I had chosen him.

Maybe it was that odd little part of me that had always been fascinated in other people…or maybe it was the fact that I had been desperate to find ten people to interview, I’m not sure which. I suspect it was the latter of the two, but then again…

Whatever my motivation, I grabbed my trusty notebook and pen and proceeded to Bonda-sempai’s room. I was surprised to not hear the familiar drone of chanting voices as I drew near…it just wasn’t normal. There are certain things I’ve come to expect here at Greenwood: Mitsuru-sempai swiping Suka’s food, Suka’s incoherent sputterings, Shinobu-sempai’s intricate plots, Furusawa-sempai putting his foot through the stairs on a nearly daily basis, and the monotonous chanting from Bonda-sempai’s room. Feeling a bit…well, lost, I tentatively knocked on Bonda-sempai’s door, uncertain of what I would find.

Frowning as minutes passed and there was still no answer, I knocked harder, doing my best not to fidget. I was starting to feel a bit self-conscious standing out in the hall with my notebook and pen, when the door across the hall cracked open and a dark-haired boy stuck his head out.

“Bonda’s not here. There’s been some kind of family emergency.”

“Oh…thank-you.” I murmured, feeling unusually awkward.

Flashing me a small grin the other boy shook his head and waved me off before ducking back into his room. Lost in my thoughts, I wandered back to my room, oblivious of my surroundings. Of course I hoped that whatever had happened was not a serious event, but I was curious as to what constituted a ‘family emergency’ for Bonda-sempai.

Was one of his parents sick? Did one of his siblings get in some kind of accident? Just thinking about it made my stomach churn…to imagine my own little brother or sister, or even my parents in a situation like that… Giving myself a mental shake, I decided that for now my article could wait; I needed to get outside.

Stopping by my room, I saw that Suka wasn’t there, to my relief. I don’t think I could have handled his bumbling concern at the moment. Oh Suka tries, and I know he really does care, but it’s like there’s a part of him that’s so afraid of being hurt that makes it almost impossible for him to really open up.

Sometimes it’s better to go off and brood by yourself too, it gives you the time to think things out without having to worry about anything else.

Grabbing a light jacket - the weather had turned unseasonably cool - I made my way outside with minimal interruptions. It takes a certain ability to be able to survive life at Greenwood, considering all of the odd goings-on that take place here. Sidestepping a few excitable students here and there has become second nature, and is in fact one of the easier things to do. Smiling and exchanging pleasantries with those students I knew, and even a few I didn’t as well, I stepped outside and drew in a deep breath, releasing it slowly through my mouth.

Choosing a direction at random, I began walking, my thoughts a jumbled mess. I kept hearing the other boy’s voice in my mind, over and over again. ‘There’s been some kind of family emergency.’

Again I felt that sympathetic surge of fear…how could I not? No one, I was positive, would ever want to hear those words spoken. It brought up unpleasant images in my mind, and I have to think that whoever said that a creative imagination is a wonderful thing was unbelievably cruel. That or very, very shortsighted.

The familiar sting at the back of my eyes brought me up short. Just the thought of my family being hurt, or sick…or worse made me want to cry. What must Bonda-sempai have felt when some near stranger said those words to him? Had he been on the verge of tears, like I was? Did he experience the sensation of the floor falling out from under him?

Was his faith enough to give him the strength he must have needed? It was like everything in my mind came to a jolting stop at that single thought…there was no hidden sarcasm in it, which surprised me.

Others, myself among them at times, may have poked fun at Bonda-sempai and his followers for their…zeal, but that never deterred them. If it gave them something to latch onto, something to believe in during their darker hours, then how could that be wrong?

Perhaps a bit unusual, but that’s something they must deal with on their own, isn’t it?  

I shook my head, a small sigh leaving me. Looking up, I was only slightly surprised at where I had ended up. Greenwood stood before me; windows alight with a soft golden glow from within. It was later than I had expected, and I realized with a start that I had missed dinner, but that did not matter. I’d needed the time to think, and as I walked up to the old building, I made a note to myself to do something nice for Bonda-sempai when he returns.


To be continued...


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